At the Parks we generally use the Promise for members who have no faith background:
On request we can use other variations of the Promise as below:
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Buddhist
I promise to do my best to be kind and helpful and to act with love towards everyone.
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Christian
I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love God
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Hindu
I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love the world.
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Humanist
I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love our world.
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Jewish
I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love God
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Muslim
I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love Allah
The Beaver Scout Promise for members who are Sikh
I promise to do my best and to be kind and helpful and to love Waheguru.